Sexology Student Clinic
About the Clinic
This teaching clinic provides students with a safe and supported training opportunity to develop their skills and provide clinical interventions in a supported learning environment during teaching semesters.
The clinic is also an affordable option for people seeking psychosexual therapy who have not yet been able to access it in the general community.
All sessions are virtual using videoconference technology. This allows us to see clients in the comfort of their own environment, and keeps the service very accessible. It also allows us to train sexology students around Australia.
Information for Clients
The clinic will focus on neurological injuries, disorders or illness such as Stroke, Parkinson’s, Spinal Cord Injury, Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury. Priority is given to those without alternative sources of funding such as NDIS and iCare.
There is a $10 fee to attend a 60-minute appointment. In attending the appointment, you understand the psychosexual therapist is in training, and their session will be observed by the supervisor. It is a teaching experience for them as well as a therapeutic experience for you.
To register your interest and book an appointment, please contact us.